Big D 1611 1 Gallon Cinnamon Water Soluble Deodorant (Case of 4)
You looking to find the "Big D 1611 1 Gallon Cinnamon Water Soluble Deodorant (Case of 4)" Good news! You can purchase Big D 1611 1 Gallon Cinnamon Water Soluble Deodorant (Case of 4) with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.Price:
Product Feature
- Water soluble deodorant
- May also be used in trigger sprayers, extractors or mop water
- Safe to use on new generations of stain resistant carpet as it contains no cationic surfactants
- Simply dilute a small amount with water and you can eliminate most odor problems
- Ideal for restroom, schools, hospitality, food service, property management, health care, smoke odors, carpet, pet odors, laundry, industrial, upholstery and transportation
Product Description
Big D water soluble deodorant is the most versatile and economical deodorant in the marketplace containing true odor counteractants, not masking agents. Simply dilute a small amount with water and you can eliminate most odor problems. May also be used in trigger sprayers, extractors or mop water. Safe to use on new generations of stain-resistant carpet as it contains no cationic surfactants. Cinnamon fragrance. 1 gallon bottle. Water soluble deodorant is concentrated, easy to use and effective. Just a small amount added to water or other cleaning products will destroy odors on contact without changing the properties of the cleaner. Deodorants actually eliminate odors not just mask them. And they are safe - nontoxic, nonflammable, biodegradable, will not stain any material unaffected by plain water. Water soluble deodorant is versatile. Use it for mopping, shampooing, rinsing or in a hand sprayer or fogger. Water soluble deodorant on a regular basis to control difficult odors in all types of environments. Ideal for restroom, schools, hospitality, food service, property management, health care, smoke odors, carpet, pet odors, laundry, industrial, upholstery and transportation.Big D 1611 1 Gallon Cinnamon Water Soluble Deodorant (Case of 4) Review
About 15 years ago a company I worked for hired a maid service that used this type of deodorant in it's mop water. Everyone loved it. Some of us tried to purchase it from them but they wanted to charge way too much for that. So I've always kept my eye out for something similar. This might even be the same item they kind of was the cleaning services signature product at the time. So when I saw this item on a janitor supply site but they were sold out I went in search. Found it here on Amazon and it was listed as the last four gallons and no one sold it as a single gallon. So I finally talked myself into ordering the set of 4. A life time supply probably. Had I still lived in IA and worked for HFS I'm sure others would jump in to divide up the bottles just to have some too. Meantime as much as I love the stuff and this does seem like it might be the same or close enough it arrived in a big mess. The box was soaked through on the bottom. About to give way on half of it. Probably all four bottles leaked. Two more than the others and one substantially a lot. As in all together about 3-4 cups of solution was loss in transit. And they had slipped in some paper inserts with directions on how to use it and they were ruined and had to throw them out along with the box ASAP. Seven hours later having washed my hands numerous times and doing dishes twice I can still smell the not so lovely scent on my hands. PEW! I may not like this so much after all.I can't believe anyone would ship something like this without an inner seal on the bottles to prevent leakage. In todays world almost everything comes with a seal metal or plastic inside a cap on liquids. Hard to believe the re-seller here didn't at least understand this doesn't and add some sort of protection or seal themselves. So I give the product once if ever I can stand the smell again 4-5 stars but the lack of seal to prevent leakage....negative 5 stars. So buyers be forwarned as of March 29 2013.
Some times a seller sees this kind of review and steps up to fix the problem. I hope so. For some reason there was no way to leave a review to the seller? Only choice I had was on how well it was packaged. Of course I let them know not good enough. Since one bottle was pretty full so leaked little if at all I could guage off that how the other lost. Two jugs at least a 1/2-1 cup each and one way down at least 2 cups maybe more.
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