Friday, October 7, 2011

Scrubbing Bubbles CB232237 Flushable Anti-Bacterial Bathroom Wipes 28 Per Canister (Case of 9)

Scrubbing Bubbles CB232237 Flushable Anti-Bacterial Bathroom Wipes 28 Per Canister (Case of 9)

Shock Sale Scrubbing Bubbles CB232237 Flushable Anti-Bacterial Bathroom Wipes 28 Per Canister (Case of 9) very cheapYou looking to find the "Scrubbing Bubbles CB232237 Flushable Anti-Bacterial Bathroom Wipes 28 Per Canister (Case of 9)" Good news! You can purchase Scrubbing Bubbles CB232237 Flushable Anti-Bacterial Bathroom Wipes 28 Per Canister (Case of 9) with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Scrubbing Bubbles CB232237 Flushable Anti-Bacterial Bathroom Wipes 28 Per Canister (Case of 9) On Sale

   Updated Price for Scrubbing Bubbles CB232237 Flushable Anti-Bacterial Bathroom Wipes 28 Per Canister (Case of 9) now
Purchase Scrubbing Bubbles CB232237 Flushable Anti-Bacterial Bathroom Wipes 28 Per Canister (Case of 9) low price

Product Description

Flushable bathroom wipes - just wipe and flush the mess away! Pop-top canister helps keep wipes moist between uses. Convenient—quick and easy way to touch-up bathroom surfaces to a beautiful shine. Easy-to-use—simply grab a wipe, wipe-up stains from the toilet seat, rim, tank or other bathroom toilet surface and flush the mess away.

Scrubbing Bubbles CB232237 Flushable Anti-Bacterial Bathroom Wipes 28 Per Canister (Case of 9) Review

PLEASE do NOT flush these!

I rated this item a 2 because while I'm sure it's a decent product (4 stars), the manufacturer is most likely fully aware of the problem and still labels them as "flushable" (0 stars, making for an average of 2 stars).
So go ahead and use them, just put them in the trash instead of down the loo. Your Utilities will charge your household with increased rates when the system clogs up, and our planet will be none the better for any overflows into our rivers and oceans. Thank you.

article in the Washington Post 9/8/2013

Utilities say "Flushable" personal wipes clog sewer systems

for the full story:

Next time you go to toss that "flushable" wipe in the toilet, you might want to consider a request from your sewer utility: Don't.

Sewer agencies across the country say the rapidly growing use of pre-moistened "personal" wipes -- used most often by potty-training toddlers and people seeking what's advertised as a more "thorough" cleaning than toilet paper -- are clogging pipes and jamming pumps.

Utilities struggling with aging infrastructure have wrestled for years with the problem of "ragging" -- when baby wipes, dental floss, paper towels and other items not designed for flushing entangle sewer pumps.
The latest menace, officials say, is that wipes and other products, including pop-off scrubbers on toilet-cleaning wands, are increasingly being marketed as "flushable." Even ever-thickening, super-soft toilet paper is worrisome because it takes longer to disintegrate, some say.

"Just because you can flush it doesn't mean you should," said I.J. Hudson, a spokesman for the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission, which handles sewage for 1.8 million Maryland residents in Montgomery and Prince George's counties.

The result: Utility officials say crews needed for less preventable sewer maintenance and repairs are being deployed instead to patrol for wipes.

for the full story:

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Scrubbing Bubbles CB232237 Flushable Anti-Bacterial Bathroom Wipes 28 Per Canister (Case of 9)" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Scrubbing Bubbles CB232237 Flushable Anti-Bacterial Bathroom Wipes 28 Per Canister (Case of 9) ...

Buy Scrubbing Bubbles CB232237 Flushable Anti-Bacterial Bathroom Wipes 28 Per Canister (Case of 9) Cheap

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