American Standard 215CA104.222 CADET PRO EL 12" R L/SEAT LIN
You looking to find the "American Standard 215CA104.222 CADET PRO EL 12" R L/SEAT LIN" Good news! You can purchase American Standard 215CA104.222 CADET PRO EL 12" R L/SEAT LIN with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.Price:
Product Description
American Standard 215C.A104.222 Cadet Pro Elongated 12" Rough Toilet, Linnen. This vitreous china constructed elongated toilet meets EPA WaterSense criteria, a trade-exclusive tank, a PowerWash rim that scrubs the bowl with each flush, a robust metal left-sided trip lever/metal shank fill valve assembly, an EverClean surface, a 4" piston-action Accelerator flush valve, a 12" rough-in, a chrome finish trip lever, and a fully-glazed 2-1/8" trapway.American Standard 215CA104.222 CADET PRO EL 12" R L/SEAT LIN Review
This toilet is excellent! I bought it to replace a very old toilet and it is a huge improvement, to say the least. It flushes very quickly so the noise when you flush it is louder than my older toilet was; but it's well worth it because it works wonderfully.I also like that this is a two piece toilet. It weighs less than a one piece toilet and is nicer looking than many one piece toilets.
Don't forget to use hold down bolts, a wax seal, a water supply tube and some silicone to seal the bottom of the toilet to the bathroom floor and any tools you or someone might need when installing this toilet. Keep your receipt as well in the rather unlikely case the toilet malfunctions or breaks down.
After toilet is installed test it a few times to make sure it's working correctly; then wait a few hours before using it.
Overall, this is a very fine toilet that should last me at least a decade and probably longer. I highly recommend this toilet.
Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "American Standard 215CA104.222 CADET PRO EL 12" R L/SEAT LIN" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from American Standard 215CA104.222 CADET PRO EL 12" R L/SEAT LIN ...
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